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Produkte zum Begriff Teams:

  • Rensmann, Gesa: Coaching-Karten für Kita-Teams
    Rensmann, Gesa: Coaching-Karten für Kita-Teams

    Coaching-Karten für Kita-Teams , Symbolkarten fürs Kita-Coaching: ein vielseitiges Werkzeug für Fortbildung und Selbstreflexion Kommunikation, berufliche Kompetenzen und Selfcare sind wichtige Themen für pädagogische Fachkräfte. Sie spielen in der Weiterbildung der Erzieher:innen eine große Rolle. Mithilfe des interaktiven Kartensets kann Kita-Personal in Selbstfürsorge, Stressbewältigung und Kommunikationsprozessen geschult werden. So gelingt es leichter, Lösungsansätze zu finden und eigene Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten in den Blick zu nehmen. Ob Konzeptionstag, Teambesprechung oder Ausbildung in der Kita - mit den ansprechend gestalteten Methodenkarten haben Sie das passende Arbeitsmaterial für Imagination und Feedback im Kita-Team. 55 Bildkarten zum Coaching für Supervision, Fort- und Weiterbildung und die Ausbildung pädagogischer Fachkräfte Ein leichter Einstieg in lösungsorientierte Gespräche: Symbole animieren zu Selbstreflexion und Perspektivwechsel Bewährte Methoden zur Ressourcenstärkung für Fachkräfte in Kindergarten und Krippe Zur Stärkung der Teambildung in Kitas, für Personalentwicklungsgespräche und Coaching Begleitheft mit methodischen Hinweisen zu Einsatzmöglichkeiten im Einzel- und Gruppencoaching Durch Visualisierung Lösungen finden und die Prozessqualität der Kita stärken Die Methodenkarten helfen bei der täglichen Kindergarten-Organisation: Beim Einstieg in die Teambesprechung, bei der Suche nach Ressourcen und bei der Konfliktlösung. So weist etwa das Bild des Löwen auf persönliche Qualitäten wie innere Stärke und Mut hin, das Symbol Hängematte auf die Bedeutung von Selbstfürsorge und Work-Life-Balance. Ein Stoppschild veranschaulicht das Grenzen-Setzen und Neinsagen. Alle Impulskarten lassen sich assoziativ auf die Themen übertragen, die das Kita-Team aktuell beschäftigen. Die Betrachtung lädt dazu ein, ins Gespräch zu kommen, einen Perspektivwechsel zu vollziehen und die Kommunikation, auch mit den Eltern, zu verbessern. Erzieherinnen und Erzieher können so trainieren, achtsam mit sich selbst und anderen umzugehen. Ein hochwertiges Set voller Schätze für ermutigendes und wertschätzendes Kita-Coaching! , Notiz- & Tagebücher > Papier, Hefte & Blöcke

    Preis: 21.84 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Supercharged Teams
    Supercharged Teams

    Great teamwork is crucial for any high performing team, but being in a team is harder than ever before. Work is faster, leaner and more digital, and teamwork can be last on our list of priorities.Supercharged Teams will boost the way your team works together, whether you lead a team or belong to one.With 30 powerful tools for teamwork, supercharge your team to:Reset your team to work better togetherAdapt your team to new challenges, whether they are in the same office, working remotely or collaborating across different departments, organisations and locationsLearn from high performing teams across the world with case studies and examplesDevelop the skills and approaches that work effectively in today's working environmentSupercharged Teams gives you the power to supercharge your team, today

    Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Supercharged Teams
    Supercharged Teams

    Great teamwork is crucial for any high performing team, but being in a team is harder than ever before. Work is faster, leaner and more digital, and teamwork can be last on our list of priorities.Supercharged Teams will boost the way your team works together, whether you lead a team or belong to one.With 30 powerful tools for teamwork, supercharge your team to:Reset your team to work better togetherAdapt your team to new challenges, whether they are in the same office, working remotely or collaborating across different departments, organisations and locationsLearn from high performing teams across the world with case studies and examplesDevelop the skills and approaches that work effectively in today's working environmentSupercharged Teams gives you the power to supercharge your team, today

    Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Brilliant Teams
    Brilliant Teams

    No matter what kind of team you’re in or what role you play, Brilliant Teams gives you the core ingredients to make you and your team a truly brilliant one. You’ll find out exactly what it takes to excel as a team player and leader, as well as common team ‘traps’ to avoid. Brilliant outcomes Find out what it takes to be a brilliant team player and leader Learn how to get the best out of your environment Understand different teams and what makes them tick The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 10.69 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wie hat GPS die Navigation und Standortbestimmung verändert?

    GPS hat die Navigation und Standortbestimmung revolutioniert, indem es eine präzise und zuverlässige Methode zur Bestimmung des eigenen Standorts ermöglicht. Es hat die Notwendigkeit von Karten und Kompassen reduziert und die Navigation in unbekannten Gebieten vereinfacht. Zudem hat GPS die Entwicklung von Navigationsgeräten und Apps vorangetrieben, die heute in vielen Bereichen des täglichen Lebens genutzt werden.

  • Wie hat die GPS-Technologie die Navigation und Standortbestimmung revolutioniert?

    Die GPS-Technologie ermöglicht es, den genauen Standort eines Objekts oder einer Person weltweit zu bestimmen. Dadurch können Routen präziser geplant und navigiert werden. Zudem hat GPS die Sicherheit in Notfällen verbessert, da Rettungsdienste schnell den Standort von Hilfesuchenden ermitteln können.

  • Wie hat die GPS-Technologie die Navigation und Standortbestimmung verändert?

    Die GPS-Technologie ermöglicht es, den genauen Standort eines Objekts oder einer Person zu bestimmen, was die Navigation präziser und effizienter macht. Durch GPS können Routen in Echtzeit berechnet werden, was zu einer schnelleren und genaueren Ankunft am Zielort führt. Die Technologie hat die Notwendigkeit von Karten und physischen Wegweisern verringert und die Navigation in vielen Bereichen revolutioniert.

  • Wie hat die GPS-Technologie die Navigation und Standortbestimmung revolutioniert?

    Die GPS-Technologie ermöglicht es, den genauen Standort eines Objekts oder einer Person auf der ganzen Welt zu bestimmen, was die Navigation präziser und effizienter macht. Durch die Verwendung von GPS in Navigationsgeräten und Smartphones können Nutzer schnell und einfach den besten Weg zu ihrem Ziel finden. Die GPS-Technologie hat auch die Rettungs- und Sicherheitsmaßnahmen verbessert, da Notdienste den genauen Standort von Personen in Not schnell ermitteln können.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Teams:

  • Global Teams
    Global Teams

    Working for a matrix international organisation, with its ensuing diverse global teams, based in a variety of geographic locations is a fact of life for most leaders and managers today. These teams may be permanent, or they may come together temporarily to deliver a specific project. The challenges of making decisions, setting goals, communicating, building trust and managing the team are far harder when you are separated by time, language, culture and priorities. Global Teams will enable leaders, teams and organisation to deal with the challenges they face:· How can you ensure that your global team delivers results?· How do I trade off our local goals and priorities versus the global priorities?· How do I find out what is really going on and how it will affect me?· Can I trust top management to support my agenda and me personally?· How can I lead people who I do not see and are not like me?Based on original research with some of the world’s leading companies, Global Teams is the definitive, practical guide on making the sharp end of globalisation work for you and your organisation.“In this book, Jo Owen provides not only a thorough understanding of what make a “global” organization effective, but also ideas and reflections on how to go about it, in a way that is neither simplistic nor dogmatic. Great read.” Bertrand Lavayssiere, Ayres and Co. Strategy Consultancy“A perk of my job is that I get paid to read and review books. Nothing thrills me more than to know that one of my favourite management authors, Mr Jo Owen, has another book published. I enjoy reading his perspectives on the various aspects of management as he provides insights that can be easily digested by anybody yet has the necessary depth to help you with the skills needed in management. His latest offering showcases research that he has extensively carried out and provides astute insights that will benefit any executive from any level of management, be it middle or senior management. Quickly bookmark this for your “to-read list” as it is a useful, insightful read.” Sadie Jane Nunis, Singapore Institute of Management, Publications Manager “Jo Owen has done it again – spotted a big gap in the literature and filled it elegantly and effectively with this splendidly readable, comprehensive, practical, and evidence-based treatment of a topic that is really challenging to our globalizing business world. Packed with great examples and quotes Owen leads the reader through the toughest and most interesting challenges in cross-cultural management: leadership, team dynamics, business context and systems, cultural intelligence and conflict resolution. This should be the first item for global managers to put in their hand luggage.” Nigel Nicholson, Professor, London Business School, author of “The ‘I’ of Leadership: Strategies for seeing being and doing” (Jossey-Bass, 2013)"Original and practical book on a vital topic which no one has looked at in depth before; simple and clear to read; lots of real world case examples; escapes the normal orthodoxy where globalisation means spreading western practice." Alberto Forchielli. Managing Partner, Mandarin Capital Partners.

    Preis: 24.6 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Global Teams
    Global Teams

    Working for a matrix international organisation, with its ensuing diverse global teams, based in a variety of geographic locations is a fact of life for most leaders and managers today. These teams may be permanent, or they may come together temporarily to deliver a specific project. The challenges of making decisions, setting goals, communicating, building trust and managing the team are far harder when you are separated by time, language, culture and priorities. Global Teams will enable leaders, teams and organisation to deal with the challenges they face:· How can you ensure that your global team delivers results?· How do I trade off our local goals and priorities versus the global priorities?· How do I find out what is really going on and how it will affect me?· Can I trust top management to support my agenda and me personally?· How can I lead people who I do not see and are not like me?Based on original research with some of the world’s leading companies, Global Teams is the definitive, practical guide on making the sharp end of globalisation work for you and your organisation.“In this book, Jo Owen provides not only a thorough understanding of what make a “global” organization effective, but also ideas and reflections on how to go about it, in a way that is neither simplistic nor dogmatic. Great read.” Bertrand Lavayssiere, Ayres and Co. Strategy Consultancy“A perk of my job is that I get paid to read and review books. Nothing thrills me more than to know that one of my favourite management authors, Mr Jo Owen, has another book published. I enjoy reading his perspectives on the various aspects of management as he provides insights that can be easily digested by anybody yet has the necessary depth to help you with the skills needed in management. His latest offering showcases research that he has extensively carried out and provides astute insights that will benefit any executive from any level of management, be it middle or senior management. Quickly bookmark this for your “to-read list” as it is a useful, insightful read.” Sadie Jane Nunis, Singapore Institute of Management, Publications Manager “Jo Owen has done it again – spotted a big gap in the literature and filled it elegantly and effectively with this splendidly readable, comprehensive, practical, and evidence-based treatment of a topic that is really challenging to our globalizing business world. Packed with great examples and quotes Owen leads the reader through the toughest and most interesting challenges in cross-cultural management: leadership, team dynamics, business context and systems, cultural intelligence and conflict resolution. This should be the first item for global managers to put in their hand luggage.” Nigel Nicholson, Professor, London Business School, author of “The ‘I’ of Leadership: Strategies for seeing being and doing” (Jossey-Bass, 2013)"Original and practical book on a vital topic which no one has looked at in depth before; simple and clear to read; lots of real world case examples; escapes the normal orthodoxy where globalisation means spreading western practice." Alberto Forchielli. Managing Partner, Mandarin Capital Partners.

    Preis: 19.25 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Global Teams
    Global Teams

    Working for a matrix international organisation, with its ensuing diverse global teams, based in a variety of geographic locations is a fact of life for most leaders and managers today. These teams may be permanent, or they may come together temporarily to deliver a specific project. The challenges of making decisions, setting goals, communicating, building trust and managing the team are far harder when you are separated by time, language, culture and priorities. Global Teams will enable leaders, teams and organisation to deal with the challenges they face:· How can you ensure that your global team delivers results?· How do I trade off our local goals and priorities versus the global priorities?· How do I find out what is really going on and how it will affect me?· Can I trust top management to support my agenda and me personally?· How can I lead people who I do not see and are not like me?Based on original research with some of the world’s leading companies, Global Teams is the definitive, practical guide on making the sharp end of globalisation work for you and your organisation.“In this book, Jo Owen provides not only a thorough understanding of what make a “global” organization effective, but also ideas and reflections on how to go about it, in a way that is neither simplistic nor dogmatic. Great read.” Bertrand Lavayssiere, Ayres and Co. Strategy Consultancy“A perk of my job is that I get paid to read and review books. Nothing thrills me more than to know that one of my favourite management authors, Mr Jo Owen, has another book published. I enjoy reading his perspectives on the various aspects of management as he provides insights that can be easily digested by anybody yet has the necessary depth to help you with the skills needed in management. His latest offering showcases research that he has extensively carried out and provides astute insights that will benefit any executive from any level of management, be it middle or senior management. Quickly bookmark this for your “to-read list” as it is a useful, insightful read.” Sadie Jane Nunis, Singapore Institute of Management, Publications Manager “Jo Owen has done it again – spotted a big gap in the literature and filled it elegantly and effectively with this splendidly readable, comprehensive, practical, and evidence-based treatment of a topic that is really challenging to our globalizing business world. Packed with great examples and quotes Owen leads the reader through the toughest and most interesting challenges in cross-cultural management: leadership, team dynamics, business context and systems, cultural intelligence and conflict resolution. This should be the first item for global managers to put in their hand luggage.” Nigel Nicholson, Professor, London Business School, author of “The ‘I’ of Leadership: Strategies for seeing being and doing” (Jossey-Bass, 2013)"Original and practical book on a vital topic which no one has looked at in depth before; simple and clear to read; lots of real world case examples; escapes the normal orthodoxy where globalisation means spreading western practice." Alberto Forchielli. Managing Partner, Mandarin Capital Partners.

    Preis: 24.6 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Global Teams
    Global Teams

    Working for a matrix international organisation, with its ensuing diverse global teams, based in a variety of geographic locations is a fact of life for most leaders and managers today. These teams may be permanent, or they may come together temporarily to deliver a specific project. The challenges of making decisions, setting goals, communicating, building trust and managing the team are far harder when you are separated by time, language, culture and priorities. Global Teams will enable leaders, teams and organisation to deal with the challenges they face:· How can you ensure that your global team delivers results?· How do I trade off our local goals and priorities versus the global priorities?· How do I find out what is really going on and how it will affect me?· Can I trust top management to support my agenda and me personally?· How can I lead people who I do not see and are not like me?Based on original research with some of the world’s leading companies, Global Teams is the definitive, practical guide on making the sharp end of globalisation work for you and your organisation.“In this book, Jo Owen provides not only a thorough understanding of what make a “global” organization effective, but also ideas and reflections on how to go about it, in a way that is neither simplistic nor dogmatic. Great read.” Bertrand Lavayssiere, Ayres and Co. Strategy Consultancy“A perk of my job is that I get paid to read and review books. Nothing thrills me more than to know that one of my favourite management authors, Mr Jo Owen, has another book published. I enjoy reading his perspectives on the various aspects of management as he provides insights that can be easily digested by anybody yet has the necessary depth to help you with the skills needed in management. His latest offering showcases research that he has extensively carried out and provides astute insights that will benefit any executive from any level of management, be it middle or senior management. Quickly bookmark this for your “to-read list” as it is a useful, insightful read.” Sadie Jane Nunis, Singapore Institute of Management, Publications Manager “Jo Owen has done it again – spotted a big gap in the literature and filled it elegantly and effectively with this splendidly readable, comprehensive, practical, and evidence-based treatment of a topic that is really challenging to our globalizing business world. Packed with great examples and quotes Owen leads the reader through the toughest and most interesting challenges in cross-cultural management: leadership, team dynamics, business context and systems, cultural intelligence and conflict resolution. This should be the first item for global managers to put in their hand luggage.” Nigel Nicholson, Professor, London Business School, author of “The ‘I’ of Leadership: Strategies for seeing being and doing” (Jossey-Bass, 2013)"Original and practical book on a vital topic which no one has looked at in depth before; simple and clear to read; lots of real world case examples; escapes the normal orthodoxy where globalisation means spreading western practice." Alberto Forchielli. Managing Partner, Mandarin Capital Partners.

    Preis: 19.25 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wie kann die Geolocation-Technologie effektiv zur Navigation und Standortbestimmung in Alltagssituationen eingesetzt werden?

    Die Geolocation-Technologie kann genutzt werden, um den genauen Standort eines Nutzers zu bestimmen und ihm bei der Navigation zu helfen. Sie ermöglicht es, nahegelegene Geschäfte, Restaurants oder Sehenswürdigkeiten zu finden. Zudem kann sie in Notfällen verwendet werden, um schnell Hilfe herbeizurufen.

  • Wo funktioniert Street View?

    Wo funktioniert Street View? Street View ist ein Feature von Google Maps, das in vielen Ländern auf der ganzen Welt verfügbar ist. Es ermöglicht Benutzern, 360-Grad-Bilder von Straßen und Sehenswürdigkeiten zu erkunden. Street View ist in den meisten großen Städten und touristischen Destinationen verfügbar, aber auch in ländlichen Gebieten und abgelegenen Orten. Es deckt eine Vielzahl von Ländern auf allen Kontinenten ab, darunter Nordamerika, Europa, Asien, Afrika, Australien und Südamerika. Street View wird kontinuierlich erweitert und aktualisiert, um immer mehr Orte auf der Welt abzudecken.

  • Wie kann GPS-Technologie zur präzisen Standortbestimmung und Navigation genutzt werden?

    GPS-Technologie verwendet Satelliten, um genaue Standortdaten zu liefern. Durch den Empfang von Signalen von mehreren Satelliten kann ein GPS-Empfänger die genaue Position eines Objekts bestimmen. Diese Daten können dann zur Navigation verwendet werden, um den Weg zu einem bestimmten Zielort zu finden.

  • Wie hat die GPS-Technologie weltweit die Navigation und Standortbestimmung verändert?

    Die GPS-Technologie hat die Navigation weltweit revolutioniert, indem sie es ermöglicht, präzise Standortdaten in Echtzeit zu erhalten. Dadurch können Menschen und Fahrzeuge effizienter und sicherer von A nach B gelangen. Zudem hat GPS die Entwicklung von Standortbasierten Diensten wie Kartenanwendungen und Navigations-Apps vorangetrieben.

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